Environmental Ethics
Environmental ethics is a relatively new branch of philosophy, which studies the values and principles involved in combatting environmental problems such as pollution, loss of species and habitats..

Environmental Ethics: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions) Paperback – Illustrated, 2018 by Robin Attfield
In this Very Short Introduction Robin Attfield traces the origins of environmental ethics as a discipline, and considers how it defends the independent value of living creatures, and the need to make decisions informed by the needs and interests of future generations. Exploring the diverse approaches to ethical decisions and judgements, he highlights the importance of making processes of production and consumption sustainable and of addressing human population levels, together with policies for preserving species, sub-species, and their habitats. Along the way Attfield discusses different movements such as Deep Ecology, Social Ecology, the Environmental Justice movement and the Green movement, and also considers the attitudes to the environment of the world's religions, including the approach from the major religions and the contributions of the indigenous religions of Asia, Africa and North America.
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Analysing the current threat of climate change, and proposals for climate engineering, Attfield demonstrates how responsibility for the environment ultimately lies with us all, from states and corporations to individuals, and emphasises how concerted action is required to manage our environment ethically and sustainably.
ABOUT THE SERIES: The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area. These pocket-sized books are the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly. Our expert authors combine facts, analysis, perspective, new ideas, and enthusiasm to make interesting and challenging topics highly readable.
These short intros are also fab but this is really exceptionally well put together fleshing out key concepts and issues
As a primer for academic environmental ethics, Robin Attfield's Very Short Introduction offers a succinct tour through its history and many of its arguments... Attfield also includes at the end a helpful list of further reading which provides additional resources to supplement each chapter.
Caleb Gordon, University of Manchester, Modern Believing
This book is an engaging, accessible book, one that both academics from various disciplines and environmental ethicists will appreciate and benefit from; it offers something of value for everyone who hopes to contribute to a socially and environmentally sustainable and peaceful world. Robin Attfield, The Philosophical Quarterly
Environmental Ethics offers an entertaining, concise, and genuinely enlightening means to commence one's engagement with the subject.
Nicole Souter, The Philosopher
This short introduction is particularly timely and I would recommend it to anyone not yet familiar with environmental ethics and even to those more knowledgeable of the field. It is truly impressive how Attfield manages to so succinctly condense such large issues into such a short book.
Linnea Luuppala, Ethical Perspectives
This very readable book is a survey of the wide range of questions that faces anyone who thinks seriously about our environment and the future of our planet... Everyone interested in the environment and the possibility of impending catastrophe should read [it].
Alan York, The Friend
The great achievement of Attfield's Attfields book is to demonstrate that there is a coherent, intuitively plausible, and useful conception of inclusive environmental protection... The book will be of interest to students taking courses in environmental ethics, but also to students who are taking philosophy and geography, and to people of other professions engaged with the environment.
Wilson J. Simon, UTAFITI
Attfield's new book confirms him as one of the most eloquent voices in present-day environmental ethics. It combines philosophical depth with extreme readability and makes a suggestive case for an ethics that pays tribute to the value of non-human nature.
Dieter Birnbacher
Surprise! Attfield can write a very concise introduction to environmental ethics with all the precision already shown in his dozen full length works.
Holmes Rolston III, Colorado State University
This is a timely addition to Oxfords series of Very Short Introductions. As befits an introduction, the material is presented in a manner designed to help the reader to gain an overview of issues and debates in the field.
The Heythrop Journal
Environmental Ethics: A Very Short Introduction ...constitutes a timely intervention and provides a broad platform to inform and stimulate further debate and research.
The Philosophical Quarterly
This short introduction is particularly timely and I would recommend it to anyone not yet familiar with environmental ethics and even to those more knowledgeable of the field, who simply wish to have a recap of the main issues.
Ethical Perspectives, Linnea Luuppala